Wednesday, May 13, 2015

(A failed) Adventure Blog

My first trip to Station North for AMST 380 took place in February but the weather had a different idea.  A group of friends and I had planned to go to the semi-finals for International Championship of Collegiate A Capella (ICCA) at Johns Hopkins University and follow up the show with milkshakes at Lost City Diner, but as snow blanketed the streets, I had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.

We had planned on leaving at 6pm (the show would start at 7), but snow traffic kept my friends from arriving back from a day in DC until 7:30.  We were late, but still determined to go.  I had always been told about how good these milkshakes were.  It didn't matter that it was only 18 degrees outside with snow up to my shins.  We drove up Charles street towards Hopkins' campus (two hours late at this point) to see roads for the most part kind of clear, but it definitely wasn't a night to be out driving.  We got to Hopkins, somehow parallel parked in over a foot of snow, and enjoyed the show, but I knew I wouldn't be getting my milkshake when the night was over.

The night came to an end and we made our way back to the car, I accepted my fate as we slid as if we were on ice skates as we walked the paths back to the car.  As we made our way towards Lost City, the restaurants we passed along the way seemed to have already closed.  I checked social media sites like Twitter and Facebook to find out that most restaurants in the area had closed early for the safety of employees and patrons.  As we drove through Station North, making our way back towards Catonsville we were able to view some of the murals and other public art pieces of Station North in an eerie, yet serene kind of manner.  As the snow fell, the city was quiet.  While no one was around, we could feel the energy that seemed to live in Station North, frozen in the night.

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