Monday, April 20, 2015

A Switch in Focus

I feel like the last week has been the most stressful in class thus far, because what we were worried about happening has kind of happened.  On Tuesday we shared short group presentations of our progress so far.  I think our group is coming along really well!  The map looks awesome and the research behind the points on the map will be a great way to integrate the work from our class thus far.

The one critique we got from the other group was about making our short descriptions shorter.  I understand the need for brevity to keep readers interested, but I'm not sure how we will do that at this point because part of our group had already shortened histories.  There was also an idea to add to the neighborhoods as layers so it would be possible to visualize who the actual neighborhoods that make up the district which I feel like would be really beneficial.  Being able to look at Korea Town, Greenmount West, and Charles North in spacial terms could help in placing Station North on the map in a more residential way.

There was also a transition of the mapping group into working with the voices.  While the voices had a lot of interviews scheduled or conducted, they hadn't really done anything with the audio.  I listened to the Kate Ewald interview and through it learned a lot about the places she visited, being comforted by the fact that we had already identified most of them on our map.  Something we could potentially add is green space--different gardens which she had spoken about during her interview.

While a little stressful having to do the work of the voices group, I think it will add cohesion to our projects.  I'm a little bummed that I'm picking up more work now, but I think it will add to the final project.

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