Monday, April 13, 2015

New Points on the Map

In the last week, we added a new aspect to our project.  To integrate the research and work of the entire class, we have tasked every student with uploading their small assignment #2 onto their class blog.  We will then be hyperlinking to their blog on the map by placing a "more info" link in the pop up for every location we completed for small assignment #2.  This will make the map more interactive and thorough in explaining the history of these places in Station North.

Additionally, Rachel is going to be looking at artwork in Station North, specifically murals and other larger public art pieces, and we will be placing them on the map.

In terms of our mapping project, I feel like we're right on track.  Things are finishing up and I am finishing my missing place, locations are being put on the map, pictures are being taken, everything seems to be going smoothly.  I almost feel like I need to be suspicious that things are going too smoothly- maybe something is lost and we have to start all over or the voices group will expect something of us that we don't have and we have to cram that into our project at the last minute.  I almost feel like posting this is putting these bad ideas out there in the world and now one of them will happen.

I am eager to hear what the voices project has put together so far and to really begin to look at the time parts coming together.

I also have been enjoying the smaller pieces we have been reading about gentrification, especially D. Watkin's piece and the response by Brandon Soderberg.  I think it's interesting to read these sorts of conversations occurring in the form of writings and responses, and then additionally hearing about the public opinion on the pieces.  It's interesting for people to kind of attack a writer's work when it is coming from his own experiences because if you think about it empirically, the lived experiences of Watkins and Soderberg are true for them, they're allowed to have these opinions, just as others are allowed to differ from them.  Yeah there could be other motives behind their writings, but that doesn't make their opinions any less valid.  I still don't think I know what my opinion on gentrification is, especially in Baltimore, and at this point I don't know when I will--however I'm glad for people that have their opinions and ideas figured out.

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